June 11th, 2010 | Comments Off on Favorite sites

Writing, language, and erotica:

Erotica Readers and Writers Association A wealth of information and resources for readers and writers of erotica.

Erotica for All, run by Lucy Felthouse. A wonderful resource for erotica writers and readers. Has author profiles, author interviews, book reviews, calls for submission, and more.

My publisher, Fanny Press.

The Chicago Manual of Style. I enjoy their monthly Q & A!

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Blogs by writers I like (in reverse alphabetical order, just because):

Willsin Rowe Erotica author, and also a skilled cover designer and trailer maker! He did the trailer for Transported.

Submission & Metaphor A personal blog by a submissive woman. Insightful and poetic. Just great writing!

Sommer Marsden My review of her clever Calendar Girl is here.

Shanna Germain, author of erotica and other genres. Shanna also teaches online writing classes from time to time; I took her erotic writing class Sexy on the Page, and recommend it. There are lessons, and you also get your work critiqued by her and other students, and there’s nothing like a deadline to help you get your stories finished! I was able to get sections of several of the stories in Transported critiqued when I took her class, and I found it very helpful.

R V Raiment, the personal blog of a writer of erotica.

M. Christian’s blog, Imagination is Intelligence with an Erection. He also maintains Frequently Felt, which publishes erotica and sundry. Why not submit something?

Lisabet Sarai An erotica writer with a particular gift for bdsm.

K D Grace Popular erotica author of novels and short stories

Kay Jaybee Blog form an insightful (and friendly!) erotica writer. Some free reads, too!

Jeremy Edwards, author of erotic fiction. His tag line says it all: If we can make our portrayal of sex even sexier than the reality of sex, then that’s erotica. My review of his delightful Rock My Socks Off is here.

Fulani’s Limited Attention Span, author of erotic fiction. Check out his circus book! And with writing from both Fulani and his partner, a new site, Deliciously Deviant.

Blowfish Blog Intelligent (and often humorous) discussions on issues related to sex.

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